Yes, it HAS been a long time my saxontologists! Of course, being the full-time, 24 7 international kid that I am, I have been busy. Most recently, I took a little time out from my extremely busy nursery school regime to go to Switzerland.

In Switzerland, I rode funny little cars that dangle off of wires called telecabines. I had a telecabine of my very own in the garden of the house where we stayed. Mom says naughty Swiss children go for time outs in telecabines. Lucky for her, I am never naughty.

Good playgrounds in Switzerland too.

Dad had the brilliant idea that we should take a car train from one part of Switzerland to another. We drove the car up on the train and it started up. Seemed interesting....

....but nobody told me we were entering a PITCH BLACK tunnel that went directly through mountains and ran at 80 miles an hour for 40 frightening minutes!!!! Yes, you are looking at two freaked out kids!

Lots more hiking and mountain stuff. All very exhausting and as my mom always says, I have two settings:

SAXON "ON" and

Saxon "OFF".

And now, back to nursery school I return. No doubt they have been lost without me....
1 comment:
Aww, that car pic is a classic! Miss them so much! Jen
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