So my parents tell me, 'Hey, Saxon, we are going to go hiking, Yea!!!' I think, 'Wow, hiking, hummm, what is that...sounds exciting!' My mom puts on my camo pants and a T-shirt. She slathers me in sticky sunscreen from head to toe. She mists me down with stinky bug spray. She fusses about which hat I should wear and which carrier my dad could transport me in. She packs water and keeps talking about "hydration". (whatever that is.)

By now, I am pretty excited. This sounds intriguing. Sun, bugs, potential predators requiring camoflage clothing to protect us...yes, we are going on an adventure! (For the record, braving the crazed mommies and daddies in the Brooklyn Fairway grocery store on Sunday does NOT count as an adventure, I don't care what mom and dad say.)

I get in the carrier and we start off with Uncle Brooke into the forest. I am soooooo excited. And my dad is walking and walking....and walking....and walking and I think to myself, "is this it?" Sure, there are trees and birds and sunlight and plants and all that but after five minutes, it sort of starts to repeat itself. Now, I have been known to watch a few favorite DVDs on repeat but at least it has variety for THIRTY minutes before repeating itself! So, being a baby, I did what I do best...

Yup, there I am in the carrier with my dad. Just call me Mr. Outdoorsy.

In my seven and a half months of life, I have come to live by the philosophy that "there is a solution to every problem on the other side of a nap."

After the hike, we stopped by a really big waterfall (and nearly touched poison ivy!). Here I am sitting with Uncle Brooke. I felt so well rested after my nap/hike that I sat on his lap and played for a while although to be honest, I think that I would have preferred to be taking the photo.
So, there you have it, dear readers, my first hike. I found it quite relaxing, not at all strenuous and very restful. I highly recommend a nap/hike to any baby out there who can find a willing and muscular co-hiker willing to bear the weight (which in my case is not light).
p.s. thank you Uncle Brooke for the photos...once AGAIN, my mom forgot the camera! Will she ever get her head around the parental thing and start remembering cameras and diapers and other essentials?