This might be the point where I would humbly place myself at your feet and beseech you for forgiveness after such a long and chilly silence. I might launch into a lengthy and probable list of reasons as to why I have been unable to update this blog. In desperation to win back your affection, I might even sob gently producing large sticky tears and get so worked up my eyebrows turn red.
But I won't. I know that any Saxontologist worthy of the title wouldn't fall for or even appreciate such vapid melodrama.
I was busy, okay? I didn't blog because I was busy. Yes, even a 16 month old gets busy now and then and just can't be bothered to switch on the computer. It isn't all Elmo and naps, you know.
So, let's not waste time on silly apologies and empty excuses. Let's get down to brass tacks. Let's talk about life in London.
I have formulated an easy three step plan to helping any toddler get settled when relocating (for personal or professional reasons) to London.
Step 1: Find a job or advocation.

While living at my gammy's house in upstate NY, I discovered an interest, nay, a calling to vacuume. Gammy bought me a vacuume named Dusty who, in fact, traveled all the way with me in my luggage to London.

Since coming to England, I have discovered a talent for climbing onto any piece of furniture often shocking my parents at my ability to scale near vertical surfaces. In addition, it has come to my attention that there is a traditional British profession that specifically combines my two greatest loves: climbing and cleaning. Therefore, I have recently begun sending out my C.V. in hopes of landing my dream job--chimneysweep.
Step 2: Guilt can get you some good presents.

Dad felt bad that I had left all my Brooklyn friends and had to make new London friends. So, he got me this little hot rod to take to the playground so I might impress some of the kids and make a few friends. So far, it has taxed my "sharing skills" more than I might have wished.
Step 3: If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you are with.

The poodles are still in NY in "quarantine" at gammy and poppy's house. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed them until I met this furry pig at Kew Gardens last weekend. He looked so like a poodle to me, I just climbed in the pen with him. He let me pet him and before I knew it, I had spontaneously kissed him. Who could resist those golden curls?
Well, aside from Dickensian aspirations, tricycle international diplomacy and pig kissing, life in London is business as usual for the Saxonator.
Next on the horizon is...nursery school. Will these Mary Poppins know what hit them?