This is the email that I sent to my Grandma in England. My dad said that he thought I was so eloquent about my recent adventures that I should post it on my blog. Of course, my dad thinks that pretty much everything I do is brilliant!
Hello Grandma,
I must give you and grandad a big thank you for the walker. I have decided that I like it even BETTER than the jumperoo because now I can herd poodles! I am tearing around the house after them until they retreat onto carpet (which is quite difficult to propel the walker on--though I try) or furniture. I go backwards, forwards and I can even corner the poodles when I am feeling particularly well rested after a nap. On the whole, the walker has opened up a whole new world of possibilities...I get into the trash, pull on cords, torment the poodles, trip my parents, pull down tea towels and generally cause havoc in my wake...I LOVE IT!
I am now eating solid food (well, pureed food) twice a day and I have discovered the joys of bananas! My dad usually feeds me my evening meal and last week, I pitched my first absolutely screaming fit when he tried to feed me peas. I do not like them and I made it extremely clear to him how insulted I was when I spit them right back onto him. I think he got the message. Since then, I have been given much better fare...bananas, peaches, mangos, blueberries. Did I mention that I like fruit?
My mom and I have been going to the playground everyday so that I can watch the kids and ride in the swings. There is a water fountain that I like to put my feet into also when it is hot. I just can't wait until I can run around like those other looks like lots of fun. For now, I like to just watch them play and is better than TV.
On Saturday, mom, dad and I went to get my passport. Apparently, there is a huge delay in getting a passport because so many people need them now to travel to Canada and the Carribean (or so my mom said) so we are hoping that we will get it soon but we are afraid that it might take a few MONTHS!!! In any case, I am very excited to visit you in England and I hope that I will be able to some time in the late Summer or early Fall.
My mom has been helping me put together a blog so that you can follow my adventures in Brooklyn. She has just started learning how to build a webpage so it is a bit rough but we thought you might enjoy checking it periodically to see how I am doing. You can find me at:
I am glad that you are making me some more jumpers. It is very warm here now but I know that I will get lots of use from them in the Winter when I will need insulation to travel around in my stroller! Did you know that I now wear clothing for 12 month old babies? Everyone says that I am such a big boy but I think that I am just about the same size as my dad was when he was 7 months old...21 lbs. 6 oz. I am starting to get more hair now (no more comb over) and it is a light brown color. I don't think that I will be blonde like my dad but my hair is much, much lighter than either mom or dad's hair. Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you, I have discovered these wonderful things at the ends of my hands called fingers! They wiggle and move and can poke and grab...are you famiiar with them? Well, I am absolutely in love with them and I often just find myself mesmorized by them as they bend and wiggle.
On the whole, I am doing quite well. I am sure you will be VERY IMPRESSED with my walker skills by the next time you see me. Do you know of any walker speed races that I might enter...I could be a contender! Hope that grandad doesn't hurt himself building his very large deck on the back...sounds like it might have lots of possibilities as a walker speedway! Say hello to Uncle Tim, Aunt Rebecca and Cousin Ulla. How do you think Ulla will feel about being herded by a baby walker? Hummmmm.
Lots of love, Saxon
Panties for Every Day of the Week
Guess who is starting to potty train? My mom brought home a pack of seven
new pairs of panties for me and I got so excited that I put them all on at
once. ...
14 years ago
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