Yea! It's the weekend! Mom, Dad and I went to Prospect Park for some fun. We traveled my favorite way--sitting on my dad's shoulders! I am so good at sitting on my dad's shoulders, I am clapping for myself!

We went to the playground where I crawled around on the equipment and watched the older kids run around. I cannot wait until I am big enough to tear around there like a maniac.

Then, mom took me on my first carousel ride. My dad couldn't go because the horses can only withstand 200 lbs. and my dad is just a tad too large! When we first got on, I was pretty mystified as to what we were doing.

After we started to move, I was simply flabbergasted. The organ music and the spinning and dipping up and down was hard to comprehend. My mom kept smiling and laughing and waving to dad standing on the side. I was concentrating too hard and trying to get my little brain around all this to smile or laugh. A carousel ride can be serious business. Mom said that she was very impressed that I didn't cry because a 13 month old on the same ride was sobbing by the time we were done. As for me, well, I am still a little puzzled as to what happened on that carousel but I think I might like to go again!
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