And then, it is time to tell about what happens when a Saxon turns one. First, you are given lots of wonderful boxes covered in fantastically noisy paper.

Then, the box is opened to reveal toys and clothing that is generally less interesting than the box and paper.

Uncle Tim has footballer aspirations for me. I am unconvinced.

But that is not the best part. The best part is....

That is right. Food is involved in this one year birthday celebration...much to my delight.

Some strange tradition involving candles delays the gratification of cake for just a bit. What are we doing here? Are we eating cake or what?

o, I try birthday cake for the first time.
Not bad, kind of sweet.

I think I like this.




uh, oh....sugar crash Very soon after this photo, I cried, took a bath and went to bed early fearing a major sugar hangover the next day. I might have overdone it a bit.

Luckily, I felt pretty good the next day so mom, dad and I went for a walk in Regent's Park.

We took the subway which I thought was very exciting.

The next day, it was time to go back to Brooklyn. I was really, really amped for the entire seven hours. I decided that I would set a personal it possible to perform a transatlantic scream. Answer: YES!

But as soon as I got in the car for the ride home to Brooklyn, the supreme effort expended in performing the superhuman transatlantic scream caught up with me. My mom and dad were slightly annoyed with me that I decided to sleep only upon arriving home. What they don't understand is how good it feels to be back in Brooklyn.
1 comment:
Loved the Birthday pictures. He is getting to be such a big boy and certainly has a mind of his own! Love how he can shake his head.
Grandma G
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