Apparently, they do not celebrate specific three day holidays over here. President's Day, Columbus Day and Memorial Day (or the British equivalents) are not observed. Instead, throughout the year, there are randomly placed three day holidays which are all given the identical (and in my opinion, rather bland) designation of "bank holiday." Last weekend happened to be a "bank holiday" so mom, dad and I rented a car and explored the English countryside.

Here I am with mom at Heathrow airport where we picked up the rental car. You might think that I consider myself too big to be a papoose. But you would be wrong. I still enjoy riding in my carrier. I can carry on extended conversations with mom and dad when I am right next to their ears and if I happen to loose their attention, I can regain it quickly with a simple hair tug!

Did I mention how much I like to ride in my car seat? It gives me a great sense of power sitting in the captain's chair.

On the first day, we drove Southeast out of London to Kent. We found rolling hills, picturesque villages and lots of sheep. On the second day, we drove Southwest to Hampshire and found more of the same!

Here I am with dad at a village pub. Yes, I did try to drink the lager but my mom snatched it away just in time.

Ooops! Quick front seat diaper change!

And so, after a pastoral weekend, I am back to my urban grind. On Monday morning, Iam back to work in the office (also referred to as the sandbox) and the very serious business of digging, burying and sharing with others.
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