Take another cyber trip with me, Monsieur Jetset, to a fabulous and exotic locale. This time, my parents decided to book a trip with authentic bragging rights. You might be thinking Thailand or the Amazon or even the Canary Islands.

In actuality, my friends, we went to Devon and lived in a caravan for a week.
Now, for some of you readers from the other side of the Atlantic, you might wonder what exactly possessed mom and dad to live in a mobile home (that is American for 'caravan') for a week with a toddler and a geriatric poodle. In fact, this is how many British people vacation and it seems to be a cultural phenomenon unique to this funny island that caravan parks dot the countryside to house vacationers just like us.
In defense of the caravan, I feel obligated to state the very important reasons why a caravan is PERFECT for this toddler and his poodle.

1) The poodle travels too. What could be better?

2) The beach is just outside my door. This is an important consideration when the water is FREEZING (more on this later) and you want to go back inside when you are done to change clothes.

(That's right...the physique is 100% Saxonator..gut and moobs included...admire it, love it, envy it.)

3) I get my own room and I can scream as loud as a want when I don't want to go to bed and the neighbors aren't bothered. Truthfully, however, after all the excitement of the day, I usually screamed a few times for effect and then crashed.

4) Caravans are INDESTRUCTABLE to even my most serious efforts at dismantling.
So, what does a caravan dweller do in Devon?

Well, we went to the beach and even though it was cold, I very enthusiastically discovered a love for the water at any temperature.

My mom eventually made me come out when my lips turned blue...but I wasn't happy about it.

We walked in Exmoor National Park many days under various weather conditions.

Ms. Kari came with us on all the walks and seemed to particularly enjoy jumping in the mud.

I discovered my new favorite thing to eat--scones with clotted cream and jam...YUM! See how I can shove an entire scone in my mouth?

I helped my dad do the dishes which, when you love water in all its forms like me, is much more interesting than you might think.

I took my first shower...reluctantly. (Don't ask why but the ladle made me feel better.)

On the way home, we visited Dad's old school and Dad said that after developing such enthusiasm for swimming in Devon, maybe someday I would swim at Millfield as well.
Saxon, you are brave! I won't go anywhere near a shower, no matter what large kitchen utensil my parents let me hold. You mention the moobs, but I actually believe you've slimmed down a bit -- eat more fish and chips, for the both of us! You are much missed here in Brooklyn, my friend.
Hi Saxon
Well you certainly had a good time on holiday. Obviously the love of all thing watery must be inherited. Are you still tormenting the poodle? Hope to see you before too long.
Lots of love and kisses
Grandma P
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