Whoo hoo! I'm TWO! And NOW, I think I am really something special.

To celebrate my second birthday in style, mom and dad decided to have a birthday brunch at a local restaurant/pub. We invited 25 people (including 10 kids!) and hoped that the mayhem wouldn't blacklist us forever. Here I am psyched to party (and already hopped up on chips...er, french fries, for you American Saxontologists). My button designates me as the official "Birthday Bloke."

We ended up occupying two large tables (as well as about a 1/3 of the restaurant in buggy parking).

Here I am with some of my sand pit buddies and Conorito's mom.

'Naynay' (as he often refers to himself in the 3rd person) and I share a deep and meaningful love for chocolate cupcakes.

Too busy to pose with dad. Must rearrange silverware.

I had such a great time at the party and my friends were so well-behaved that the restaurant actually asked us BACK!!!! I am hanging with a VERY classy crowd here in London, I must say. How often does a posse of two year olds get invited back anywhere?

Of course, after we left the restaurant, I was on a high....then it all quickly faded to black.
Stay posted friends, next on the two year old agenda...UNDERPANTS and POTTIES! Curious? I sure am.
1 comment:
Dear Saxon
If I ever want a good laugh I go to your raindeer "meltdown" photo. Sorry to laugh at you, but you do look quite funny. The other raindeer in the background are a bit disturbed by your crying too. You are about to start a stampede.
Grandma G
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