Friday, December 18, 2009

Just Call Me Santa....

This year, I got the principle part in the Christmas performance and given my shaky tearful reindeer performance last year, I was out to impress. Consequently, I decided to employ an acting technique used by many of my fellow thespians. For four days before the performance, I insisted that I be referred to as only "Santa" in my daily activities and when called my actual name, I failed to respond until addressed by my character name. Even my nursery school teachers had to call me Santa if they expected me to tidy up, sit down to lunch or otherwise behave as I was told. In addition, I referred to myself in the third person as "Santa" as in "Santa has finished his dinner now" or "Dad, come wipe Santa's bum!" It was also not a coincidence that I "accidentally" wore the pants from the Santa costume home once during rehearsals. It isn't easy to just come out of character, you know. I also was a bit confused as to who we were talking about when we discussed this Santa character who would be coming to visit Gammy's house in a sleigh. I kept trying to make my parents understand that I would be arriving on a big airplane. In the end, it got sorted out...sort of. Although I still like to call myself Santa sometimes....

Oh! Last minute wardrobe fix...that's what you get when you mix a paper belt with a robust girth.
My brilliant solo! I sang "When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney" loudly and all by myself!
Gripping my own props on and off the stage...hey, it was a very low budget production.

Nobody but Santa sits in the chimney.Jingle Bells!
.Group sing: We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Santa loves mince pies!
And I wanted to include a picture of my Gingerbread house just because it is so gorgeous. (Note Santa stuck up the chimney...)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Birthday Party Number 2

But the three-o-rama gala did not end with just one party. I had to celebrate at nursery school too. Continuing with the NeeNar theme, I had a fireman cake.

A little pre-party snack....

Here I am basking in the glow of the adoration of my peers and teachers as they sing happy birthday to me. You have no idea how many times I had to sing "happy birthday" to one of the other children as they got to stand up there like king of the world. FINALLY, it was my turn!

Even Trixie got into the spirit of the party and clapped along with everyone singing "Happy Birthday."

And they even let me cut my own cake with this fantastic huge knife!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Only the MOST AWESOME birthday party!

So, as you know, I recently turned THREE! Mom and Dad planned a birthday party at a wonderful place called Gymboree and invited all my friends. After a mildly emotional beginning regarding the transportation of my precious cupcakes (see Beatrixed for more details), we got the party started.
As per my request, the theme was firetrucks or as I call them, "Nee Nars."

I drove the fire truck.

I climbed up on the back of the ladder truck.

I put out fires.

I slid down the firepole.

Even Trixie played firegirl.

I jumped around and popped bubbles. (Not fireman themed but fun anyway).

Then, we had pizza and...

....CUPCAKES! We sang happy birthday to me.

Needless to say, I went home, passed on dinner, skipped the bath and told daddy "no story tonight please." I was shattered.

The next day, I woke up and asked my mom first thing, "Is today Saxon's birthday?" which in threeyearoldese means "I had a rockin' good time!"