Monday, December 7, 2009

Only the MOST AWESOME birthday party!

So, as you know, I recently turned THREE! Mom and Dad planned a birthday party at a wonderful place called Gymboree and invited all my friends. After a mildly emotional beginning regarding the transportation of my precious cupcakes (see Beatrixed for more details), we got the party started.
As per my request, the theme was firetrucks or as I call them, "Nee Nars."

I drove the fire truck.

I climbed up on the back of the ladder truck.

I put out fires.

I slid down the firepole.

Even Trixie played firegirl.

I jumped around and popped bubbles. (Not fireman themed but fun anyway).

Then, we had pizza and...

....CUPCAKES! We sang happy birthday to me.

Needless to say, I went home, passed on dinner, skipped the bath and told daddy "no story tonight please." I was shattered.

The next day, I woke up and asked my mom first thing, "Is today Saxon's birthday?" which in threeyearoldese means "I had a rockin' good time!"

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