Good News Saxontologists! After a very long, grim, rainy, dark and decidedly un-childfriendly Winter indoors, Spring has arrived on our island. It couldn't have come sooner, in my opinion. I have become bored with every single toy I own and could not stand another moment trapped inside with those adults.
On Saturday, we went to Wisley Botanical Gardens in Surrey and mom and dad looked at the flowers. Personally, I was much more into collecting sticks.

Dad is such a geezer that even I, with my short little legs, can beat him in a race.

Mom got a new camera and I convinced her to let me take these two photos. Do you see how I captured Trixie's stroller angst AND the vibrant red of the flower? Brilliant.

These orchids smelled so nice. I wanted to put that in the picture.

Just as sure as the return of Spring, we witness the universal daily mantra of Saxontology: what goes up....

....must go down. Happy Spring to you all!
1 comment:
Lucky Saxon. Springtime in Blighty looks a whole lot more forgiving than springtime in the Rockies. No wet, raging blizzards, broken tree limbs, flattened tulips? Your Mom remembers. Happy Daze!
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