Yes friends, the rumors are true...I am back from the land of the Saxons with much to report. Did you know that you can ride a tube? Ride in a carseat on the right side of the back seat? Buy things at Asda? Ride a boat to the David Beckham Center for Soccer Excellence? Run wild with packs of children in Hamleys? And eat unlimited amounts of English cheddar? Well, you can. I did that and more!

But I digress, first, we flew over on the plane...which was three hours late. My parents (being the consciencious international travelers that they are) left for the airport two hours before the original departure time. That means, we got to spend five fun-filled hours at JFK WAY, WAY, WAY past my bedtime. Luckily, however, the airport was pretty deserted at that time of night (we didn't leave until midnight) so I set up shop near a empty gate with all my toys spread out and just crawled around to my heart's content. I was sooooo happy and getting soooo much exercise that I didn't really notice that a turbo poop had escaped the diaper and coated the interior of my shirt to the shoulders. Well, I didn't notice it until my mom said, "whew! what stinks?" Next thing I know, I am naked in the middle of Terminal C at JFK while my mom and dad are giving me a wet one wipe down. Refreshing? Yes. Dignified? No.

We got on the plane FINALLY and man was I pumped. I was on NO SLEEP and felt pretty cranky at that point. I was running on fumes and ready to vent my complaints to the general passenger public. They, however, were less than enthused about hearing me complain for the next seven hours. They apparently thought that the flight was meant for sleep. I don't know what kind of box these fellow passengers live in but this baby refuses to be confined, manhandled, controlled, pacified or disciplined. I told my parents just that for three full hours. Just as I was getting to the second sub-point of my verbal oration, mom gave me a refreshing pink aperitif. My eyelids got very heavy and the next thing I remember...

....Me and mom in England! Don't I look refreshed...what a great nap!

Here I am with my English family--Uncle Tim, Dad, Grandma P and Grandad N. They can hardly contain me because I see all of the wonderful items to grab in Uncle Tim and Aunt Rebecca's totally breakable household. So much to break and so little time!

I am quite adept a riding the tube around London as you can see. We were even lucky enough to have a few really sunny days for exploring!

Just three Brits riding the tube!

Aunt Rebecca (isn't she glamourous?) met Grandma P, Grandad N and mom and I for a boat ride to the 02 Dome to see the King Tut exhibit. I must admit now that the exhibit totally escaped me. Luckily, mom brought a totally fascinating piece of paper that kept me entertained for more than an hour. What can I say? I am a baby of simple tastes and paper tastes good.

Dad rented a car one day and we drove South to Brighton. In keeping with British tradition, I also "drove" the car seat on the left side of the felt wierd. I noticed that mom and dad didn't speak too much on the drive down or back. Mom just kept murmuring periodically, "right turns are left turns and left turns are right turns." Whatever that means.
Uh oh, just got a bad case of the jet lags. Feeling soooo sleepy. Is it 6 pm or 11 pm? Dinner time or sleep time? I am a little confused. But wait! There is more to tell. I didn't get to tell you about Brighton or Regent's Park or, most importantly, my FIRST BIRTHDAY! I will tell you. But first, I will just put my head down for a little rest and when I wake up, I promise that the story of Saxon the Conqueror will continue....
'night, 'night (or is it day, day?)
Hi Saxon
What a busy little chap you were in England. Cannot wait for the next episode. Hope your mum and dad have got their lefts and rights sorted out now that you are home. Miss you lots.
Grandma P and Grandad N
Bonjour Saxo mon little ami. C'est moi, Ulla !!!
C'était très bon ici en angleterre, non? Nous avons beaucoup d'amusement avec tous les personnes.. especialment, j'ai apprécié mangeant votre banane du plancher. Merci beacucoup.
Acclamations, votre ami tous les temps.
PS: Woof, woof aussi pour les Poodles Ameicain
Hello Saxon,
It was good to finally meet you.
I hope you enjoyed your little visit to Blighty. We certainly enjoyed having you here, although the price of bananas is yet to return to its 'pre-saxon' level.
Reading your blog you seem to have seen a lot of London in your limited stay... but maybe next time we can take you round to Buck Palace to meet with the knobs?
Cheers for now
Tim & Rebecca.
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