Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Vagabond Tales of Saxon Begin....

The strangest thing happened to me last week. Three very large men came to our apartment and started to put everything in our house in boxes. My bed, my toys, my clothes, my books all went into boxes. Then, they took all the boxes and carried them out and put them in front of my house.

Then, they put all of the boxes into one very, very big green box. And THEN, the big green box drove off!
How is a baby supposed to make sense of that?
Mom, dad, Kari, Kiki and I got into the car and drove to Gammy and Poppy's house. The next day, Dad left for a strange destination that Uncle Tim calls "blighty." Meanwhile, Mom and I are staying here at Gammy and Poppy's house with all the poodles for a while.
During the last week in Pawling, I have discovered the joys of alphabet soup, systematically opening every kitchen cabinet for Gammy, riding in the grocery store cart, screaming at the Japanese restaurant and, of course, there is always the old standby--tormenting the poodles. I even learned how to scoot (backwards) on the little toy car!
HOWEVER, I continue to refuse to walk. I don't care what they say about 14 month old babies. I am not at all impressed with my so-called walking colleagues. I say that walking is totally overrated...particularly when I can crawl wherever I need to get FASTER than some other looser can toddle. When someone can convince me that walking is so great, maybe I will entertain it as an option.
In the meantime, I remain mixing and mingling at poodle level (except when the poodle jumps into my stroller).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saxontology goes international!

"We haven't spoken in so long."
" Why have you been giving me the silent treatment?"
" What is happening in your world?"
" Have I inadvertently offended you, Saxonator, in some egregious way?"
"Why do you treat me like this? Aren't we friends?"

No doubt you have been frantically asking yourself all these questions in a vain attempt to rationalize the inexplicable blog-o-sphere silence that you have felt from this end of the computer. However, I am here to tell you that it isn't's me. I have been a very bad boy. I have not blogged for a very long time. Mea culpa.

However, in my defense, I have been extremely busy. I have been preparing emotionally in the form of watching my mom frantically organize for a major life change.
Because, the very good news is...wait for it....I will soon have new adventures to relate IN LONDON!!!!

That is right dear readers....we are taking the Saxontology lifestyle international.

...and I already know what I will be wearing!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas at Gammy and Poppy's house

Sorry for the late Christmas post! I still don't exactly get the "Christmas" concept but I can tell you that it was an interesting day.

Basically, it involved lots of paper and sparkly ribbon and watching my cousin Sarah run around like a whirling dervish. Somewhere in there, I got a little truck with animals that I really liked because it plays "Old MacDonald" when you push a button.

Lucky for Dad, I found the box just as interesting as the truck because it took him FOREVER to get it finally unwrapped from the packaging.

Sarah asked for a Care Bear for Christmas and Santa brought her TWO! She said that she got two because she "was extra good this year."

Adam got a choo choo that he found quite interesting as well!

On the whole, we had a very nice Christmas at Gammy and Poppy's house.