" Why have you been giving me the silent treatment?"
" What is happening in your world?"
" Have I inadvertently offended you, Saxonator, in some egregious way?"
"Why do you treat me like this? Aren't we friends?"
No doubt you have been frantically asking yourself all these questions in a vain attempt to rationalize the inexplicable blog-o-sphere silence that you have felt from this end of the computer. However, I am here to tell you that it isn't you...it's me. I have been a very bad boy. I have not blogged for a very long time. Mea culpa.
However, in my defense, I have been extremely busy. I have been preparing emotionally in the form of watching my mom frantically organize for a major life change.
Because, the very good news is...wait for it....I will soon have new adventures to relate IN LONDON!!!!
...and I already know what I will be wearing!
Saxon, I love the Union Jack leggings!
Keep us posted as to your homeless status. We are eagerly awaiting news from the "man without a country". Is he currently in Brooklyn, Pawling, London? Your fans NEED to know.
Hi Saxon
We too have been very remiss about Saxontology, as we have been travelling a lot since Christmas. Sorry about that! Please forgive. You look so grown up in your British outfit, obviously getting the feel of the English way of life in readiness for when you hit these shores. The English babies had better look out and be prepared for when you arrive. Hope to see you soon.Lots of love.
Hey Saxon,
Its your uncle Tim here.
In case you've lost him, we've found your old-man dossin' round our gaff.
He's Ok tho', but keeps on muttering something about "the markets a bear". Think he's losing the plot with all the quiet nights - I guess he would benefit from more of your lat night banter.
Anyway, in an effort to get him to move out and stop running up our electricity bill with his hairdryer we've been looking for some places for you guys to live.
Our latest thoughts are "Southfields" - try looking on www.globrix.com for suitable pads - there are loads!
Anyway, see you soon.
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