The strangest thing happened to me last week. Three very large men came to our apartment and started to put everything in our house in boxes. My bed, my toys, my clothes, my books all went into boxes. Then, they took all the boxes and carried them out and put them in front of my house.

Then, they put all of the boxes into one very, very big green box. And THEN, the big green box drove off!

How is a baby supposed to make sense of that?
Mom, dad, Kari, Kiki and I got into the car and drove to Gammy and Poppy's house. The next day, Dad left for a strange destination that Uncle Tim calls "blighty." Meanwhile, Mom and I are staying here at Gammy and Poppy's house with all the poodles for a while.

During the last week in Pawling, I have discovered the joys of alphabet soup, systematically opening every kitchen cabinet for Gammy, riding in the grocery store cart, screaming at the Japanese restaurant and, of course, there is always the old standby--tormenting the poodles. I even learned how to scoot (backwards) on the little toy car!
HOWEVER, I continue to refuse to walk. I don't care what they say about 14 month old babies. I am not at all impressed with my so-called walking colleagues. I say that walking is totally overrated...particularly when I can crawl wherever I need to get FASTER than some other looser can toddle. When someone can convince me that walking is so great, maybe I will entertain it as an option.

In the meantime, I remain mixing and mingling at poodle level (except when the poodle jumps into my stroller).
Saxon, despite our being big burly Brooklynites and thus not open to showing tender emotion, I must admit that I've missed you terribly already. Playgroup has been, well, not as playful, and I know my mom is sad not to indulge in the semiweekly gab sessions with your mom. And none of the other toddlers are quite as interested in my organic snacks, in trap form. However, I'm glad to learn that you've been taking advantage of the wonders of a house kitchen -- I, too, am loving all the cabinets at our Woodstock house, which you must come and see before you fly over to England. As for the walking thing, yeah, it's hard to let go of the power crawling, but once you really get the hang of biped transport, you'll see how FAST you can get across a room while holding something you're not supposed to have! Anyway, keep shakin' up Pawling, and I'll see you soon!
Hi Saxon
You seem to be having such a good time causing havoc in Pawling. We are looking forward to you causing more havoc once you get to England. We shall have to make sure our house is 'anti-saxonised' ready for you visiting. You should be pretty well the expert at havoc making by then. Now that you have 3poodles to play with, you should keep extremely busy keeping them all under your control.
Lots of hugs and kisses
Grandma P and Grandad N
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