That is correct Saxontologists. In a mere matter of a hours, I will be airborne to the land of my father's birth and the home of the original Saxons...England.
My mom and dad are taking me to see my Uncle Tim, Aunt Rebecca and grandma and grandad W. We will be staying in a large metropolis not very different from Brooklyn...think Brooklyn with lots and lots of pubs.
You may wonder why I am wearing my bib. Well, as you know, I feel very strongly about my food. I enjoy snacking on all sorts of items...not all of them necessarily accepted as edible. (Plastic, for instance, is mysteriously overlooked as a food group in my opinion.)
While in England, I am looking forward to even more exciting culinary adventures such as mushy peas, stilton cheese, spotted dick and treacle. If I am really lucky, I am hoping to even try a little curry! (My mom has already told my dad that he gets to change THAT diaper.)
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that I will be turning one year old while I am in England as well. Can you believe it Saxontologists? I am officially a big boy.
In any case, I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Stay posted on Saxontology for the full story of what happens when a Saxon goes to England.