Dear Readers,
The hit counter that I have so cleverly installed on my page indicates that I have a few fans of Saxontology and, for some, it has become a religion. I would like to hear from you because, as you may know, I am a chatter and I do like a good conversation. I have opened up the comment section (located at the bottom of each post) so that anyone (and hopefully, everyone) will put in their commentary, if they are so inclined. Just click on the word comment and go, go, go!!!! Just remember to censor your comments so that they do not shock my delicate infant sensibilities.
Panties for Every Day of the Week
Guess who is starting to potty train? My mom brought home a pack of seven
new pairs of panties for me and I got so excited that I put them all on at
once. ...
14 years ago
Hi Saxonator, We love you. Love, your mom
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