My dad claims that I show him an unfair preference in the number of photographs that I post of him on my blog. "Where is your mother? She goes with us to all these places and has fun with us too," he reminded me just the other day. Of course, she should be on the blog. We do nearly everything together. She plays with me and talks to me and sings me songs and takes me places. I love her. She is my mom after all! It's just that...well, she is a ne sais quoi! (That's right, it is me, Saxon, speaking French. You are very impressed, no?)

For example, over the weekend, we go to a restaurant. Not a fancy restaurant. Just a nice family-style, outdoor seating type of restaurant. We have to wait for our food because of some kitchen issues. Someone, who will remain nameless, got hungry and started acting out. No amount of bread, chatting, playing or charming would keep her (yes, HER) calm. I tried my best to keep her from disturbing our fellow dining patrons but it was hopeless. As you can see in the photo, I am just mortified by her behavior! When the food eventually came, we ate as fast as we could, dad paid the check and we got mom out of there as fast as we could with the minimum of ruckus. Let's just hope that at some point, she will get a bit better behaved when we go out to eat!
Dear Saxon
Mothers can be embarrassing, not just now but for a very long time. Try to adjust, as I have been embarrassing your mother for a good number of years!
Love, Grandma
Dear Saxon
What an embarrassing situation for you. Still you must get used to this behaviour as it will get worse the older you get. It's just one of those things you have to put up with in life.
Love Grandma W
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