Greetings Saxontologists! Well, it is time again for another Saxonator adventure! Are you ready?
I got into the car (just like I've seen my dad do) and put my hands on the wheel. I figured the car would do the rest but it just sat there. I even screamed "dahbahblahblah!!!!' at the top of my lungs like my dad does when he drives in Brooklyn (except he uses more floridly graphic adjectives). Nothing. I hit the horn with my hand because sometimes, my dad does that too. But the car just wasn't listening to me.
Finally, dad offered to put me in my car seat while he drove me upstate. Clearly, there is more to this driving thing than it appears so I gladly accepted his offer. He drove and I napped on the way.
When we got up to Grandma and Grandpa F's house, I went to the lake and practiced swimming. I like floating. If, judging by my physique, you guessed that I am quite bouyant, you are correct!

Twist your neck just a little to the right...just a little more...a little tiny bit more...there! It is me and dad with his chocolate birthday cake!
Do you see my little chocolate mustache? I drew it myself. The candles were just too much temptation for a baby with no self control. Later, I fingerpainted with the chocolate on my fingers on grandma's floor.
Then, we went to a farm where I could pick all of the blueberries that I wanted. And I can eat ALOT! I have discovered that I can pick up and put these little tasty items into my own mouth AND they taste better than dog food kibble (yes, I know it may be difficult to believe).
Hummmm. Only a true blueberry connoisseur, such as myself, can select the perfectly ripened blueberries off of the bush. Oh look, is this a leaf? Perhaps I will sample it as well...
I 'll just pick this peach while dad isn't looking.
Do you see my little chocolate mustache? I drew it myself. The candles were just too much temptation for a baby with no self control. Later, I fingerpainted with the chocolate on my fingers on grandma's floor.
Happy Birthday Dad!
Well, that sums up my weekend! This week will be particularly exciting because I am going on my first airplane flight. I will be going to Colorado to attend my second cousin Emily's wedding! I am so excited! My parents seem a bit nervous about the flight. They have this absurd idea that I will misbehave on the airplane. If screeching with joy is misbehaving, then count me in!
Hi Saxon
Ask your dad to provide you with a booster seat so you can drive the car properly. I also adore blueberries, well they are my favourite fruit and I also like chocolate cake just like you do. It must run in the family. You seem to have had a pretty busy time lately jetting about. Looking forward to reading the next sequel in the Exciting Adventures of the Saxonator.
You were very fast on grabbing for the Birthday cake--amazing move!
Not afraid of the burning candles and singing either. Sarah cried at her first Birthday experience, but we all know that Sarah has "issues" with such things!
Love, Grandma G
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