Why are we so happy? We just made it off of our first airplane flight without being attacked by the other passengers! Actually, we are very happy to be off the plane and in Denver after four and a half hours in the air. If you look closely, you may notice a slightly glassy eyed stare from me because I am a bit woozy from all the cheerios my mom fed me on the plane. She (very deftly, I might add) bribed me with those tasty little 'o's for quite a long time...at least twenty minutes! I then systematically went through the entire bag of toys and promptly pronounced each and every one of them "stale." That took another twenty minutes. The other two hundred and thirty minutes were filled with my mom and dad doing absolutely everything they could do to keep me mildly (emphasis on MILDLY) amused because I had to remind them, more than once, that I was only one New York minute from full scream volume.
This is Aunt Susie's backyard. Aunt Susie graciously allowed me and my mom and dad to stay in her room--which we promptly trashed like rock stars on a post-detox bender.
My parents aren't usually so messy or rock-and-roll but they are clearly overwhelmed with the additional paraphenalia that I want, need and cannot live without. Yes, a pack and play is bulky but where is a baby to sleep? Perhaps a car seat might seem a bit heavy but I am told they are simply to die for in a car wreck. (Oooh, dark baby humor!) 
Aunt Susie has lots of dogs and cats but no babies. Therefore, she has no high chair. That worked out just fine for me. Here I am freestyle eating with my dad al fresco. We decided that freestyle eating should be performed only al fresco. No high chair means greater movement radius, better wind-up rotation and faster flinging speeds resulting in greater splatter distances. I definitely achieved some all time records in all these events while on Aunt Susie's back porch. Now, how do I convince mom and dad to let me eat freestyle in Brooklyn? I know that the poodles would support me on this.
Here I am playing with Aunt Susie on her back porch. Do you see the little chair that she got for me on the table? I am still a little short to sit in it but Susie tells me that I am a big boy anyway.
Grandpa tells lots of interesting stories when we are in the swing. Two Freds in a swing.
I can't get enough of this porch swing. I have already asked my dad how we can install one on our terrace.
And now, Saxontologists, the time has come for me to discuss the newest addition to the tenets of our collective religion. Bow down and prostate thyself before the altars to end all altars...the hot tub.
Aunt Susie has one of these miraculous things and after just one dip...I am completely done with domestic baths. I realize now what a cruel joke a mere bathtub filled with warm water truly was and that these last nine months have been one very big lie. I can't believe that I naively lived completely unaware that such a hot bubbly, outdoor, communal oasis of joy exists. As you may know, once you jacuzzi, you start to get choosy!
So, I have decided that (Dad, I hope you are reading this) unless you install both a porch swing and a hot tub on our back terrace, I am planning on running away to Colorado to live with Aunt Susie and her dogs and cats....just as soon as I can crawl or walk or drive the car, whichever I master first. My birthday is coming up and I DO NOT want any of those technicolor made in China toys painted with lead. The swing and hot tub are SOooooo much better.
But, this is not the end of my adventures in Colorado! As you may remember, dear reader(s), I attended a wedding, a brunch and a bowling party during which I met many new relatives. However, I am tired now and naptime demands that I bid you adieu (yes, French again! Fantastique, no?) before I get too tearful to type. Stay tuned for Mile High 2 or "the Saxonator Strikes Back"!
Hi Saxon
Well, you did enjoy your stay in Colorado, didn't you? I really enjoyed hearing about all your adventures, especially the swing and the hot tub. You must feel quite deprived now you are back home. Keep having adventures and then I can enjoy them too.
Hugs and kisses
Grandma P
You were quite the social success in Colorado. You liked being passed around from person to person. Every time I checked on you, a different person was holding you! Big dogs were fun, weren't they.
Love, Grandma G
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